Monday, April 6, 2009

Spokane Airport Park Sleep Fly Question

 I'm flying out of Spokane airport in 2 weeks, and I
was wondering if there were any good deals on
Park sleep fly hotel packages near the airport.
I'll be gone for 14 days, please advise.


   Hi Gary,
I see that the Super 8 Airport West, Spokane, WA
has a great parking package. For only
$77.90 USD  room rate, 1 person, 14 days parking
 or if you need a room for 2,
 $82.90 USD room rate, 2 people, 14 days parking.
Super 8 Airport West
Thats a really great deal, and the Super 8 is a 3 star hotel.
The Super 8 Airport West is the pride of Super 8 and one of the nicest Super 8's around.
They have a relaxing indoor pool and spa, open 24 hrs,
and a deluxe continental breakfast (not a toast bar) is available to everyone from 6:00a.m.-9:30 a.m. everyday.

Compare that to airport parking at GEG alone, and you will see what a bargain this really is.


Park Sleep Fly Airport Hotel Parking Packages